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Is Radiation Worse Than Chemotherapy?

Is Radiation Worse Than Chemotherapy?

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are two of the most common treatments for cancer. Radiation beams change the...

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How Long Does Breast Cancer Radiation Last?

The standard schedule for receiving total breast radiation is five days a week (Monday through Friday) for a period of...

Are Cancer Patients Radioactive? An Expert's Perspective

Cancer patients who receive radiation therapy may worry that their bodies will become “radioactive” after treatment,...

How long is a session of radiation therapy?

In some cases, a single treatment may be used to help relieve pain or other symptoms related to more advanced cancers....

How Long Does Radiation Treatment Take?

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for cancer, and it usually takes place over the course of five to eight weeks....

Understanding Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for breast cancer, using high-energy x-rays, protons, or other particles to kill...

What cancers require radiation?

A type of cancer that originates in liver cells. Cancer that usually starts in the lining of the lungs, but can also...

Does Radiation Therapy Cause Hair Loss in Cancer Patients?

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for cancer, but it can also cause hair loss in the area being treated. While...

Radiation Therapy: What is it and How Does it Affect Cancer?

Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses intense energy beams to kill cancer cells. In most cases,...

Editors Picks

The Impact of Cancer Radiation on the Immune System

The Impact of Cancer Radiation on the Immune System

Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, stem cell or bone marrow transplant, or steroids,...

What is the Best Cancer Treatment?

What is the Best Cancer Treatment?

Cancer is a serious illness that can be treated in a variety of ways. Surgery is the most common primary treatment for...

Can Radiation Treatments Cause Death?

Can Radiation Treatments Cause Death?

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for cancer, but it can also cause damage to healthy cells in the treatment area....

Does Radiation Always Cause Cancer? A Comprehensive Look

Does Radiation Always Cause Cancer? A Comprehensive Look

The public often has a misconception that any amount of radiation can cause cancer. This is known as radiophobia, and it...

What are the Side Effects of Radiation Therapy for Cancer?

What are the Side Effects of Radiation Therapy for Cancer?

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for cancer, but it can come with a range of side effects. Headache, hair loss,...

Is Radiation for Cancer Painful? An Expert's Perspective

Is Radiation for Cancer Painful? An Expert's Perspective

Radiation therapy is a common treatment for cancer, and it can be an effective way to target tumors and reduce pain. But...